Location: Options Menu
Shortcut: Ctrl+P
Click the Option/Preferences to open up the Preferences dialog box.
- Minimize to System Tray: Check on this Option will minimize the Program to the systray, instead of Task Bar.
- Show Warning when Microphone is not current recording source: If this option is checked then it shows a warning message when you start recording, and Microphone is not selected as recording source.
- Ask before deleting any recorded file: If this option is checked then Voice Cloak Plus will show a Warning before deleting the Recorded file.
- Show Message to restart VOIP application: If this option is enabled then Voice Cloak Plus will show a warning message to restart the running VOIP applications.
- Show warning if a known VOIP application is detected running at the startup: If this option is enabled then Voice Cloak Plus will show the warning message for the Know running VOIP applications.
- Show message to stop conversation in VOIP application before recording: If this Option is enabled then Voice Cloak Plus will show a warning message to stop the VOIP Conversation before recording.